Predicting Election Night Margin 2

Posted on Fri 12 May 2023 in Python, Data Science • Tagged with python, mixed effects, elections, S3

As results come in election night, counties vary widely in representation of democrat vs republican margins. Rural counties tend to heavily favor republicans, while counties in urban areas tend to favor democrats, so depending on which counties are being reported first, early result margins might not represent the true, state-wide …

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Predicting Election Night Margin 1

Posted on Thu 12 January 2023 in Python, Data Science • Tagged with python, visualisation, elections, S3

As tallies are reported on election night, there’s a tendency for early results to favor one political party over the other. At a county level, this is usually due to the way ballots are counted. Below is usually the order in which ballots are counted

  1. Mail-in
  2. early in-person
  3. Election …

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