Populating Timestream With Scraped Predictit Market Ticks 2

Posted on Thu 26 October 2023 in Election Modeling • Tagged with Python, Timestream, AWS Lambda, EventBridge

In the last section, we explored scraping predictit.com market data and storing results in a Timestream database. We implemented code to perform a single capture of market data. For our time-series dataset. A market capture accounts for a single point in the data dimension, but true time-series data must …

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Populating Timestream With Scraped Predictit Market Ticks 1

Posted on Wed 04 October 2023 in Election Modeling • Tagged with Python, Timestream

Amazon Timestream is a fully managed time series database. It's a relatively new offering to the AWS serverless portfolio. Main Timestream use case is to store IoT device-generated time series data, but our goal is to eventually build a notification and monitoring system based on prediction market tick data that …

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