Populating Timestream With Scraped Predictit Market Ticks 2

Posted on Thu 26 October 2023 in Election Modeling • Tagged with Python, Timestream, AWS Lambda, EventBridge

In the last section, we explored scraping predictit.com market data and storing results in a Timestream database. We implemented code to perform a single capture of market data. For our time-series dataset. A market capture accounts for a single point in the data dimension, but true time-series data must …

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Automate Election Night Returns Scraping With AWS Lambda

Posted on Sun 26 June 2022 in Election Modeling • Tagged with Python, AWS Lambda, S3, EventBridge, CloudWatch

To build our ‘Election Margin Projection Model’, we need to capture election night vote counts. Unfortunately, most archives of election results only record final vote tallies, but we need vote count as a time series during the tally process throughout election night(or election weeks as has been the custom …

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